Thursday, June 12, 2014

This is NOT a Prank

Yes, it's true: I'm moving to Switzerland! :D
Near the end of 2013, I learned that a good friend, whom I had the pleasure of meeting during my time in Hawaii, was going to be working THIS year in Germany, as an au pair. I was intrigued and asked her about it and how she came upon such an opportunity. She informed me of a couple legitimate, safe websites where you could register to become an au pair and look at possible families (while families in turn, register and search for possible au pairs). I decided, on somewhat of a whim, to create a profile. However, after a discussion with my best friend, and at the beginning of my senior year at school, I quickly put it aside and didn't think much of it. 
I went about my studies, trying to balance being a full-time student, dancing on my University's ballroom company, working on my senior project, three part-time jobs, familial duties, and an effort to maintain some semblance of a social life - all more than plenty individually to preoccupy my mind and my time. 
At last, after four months of insanity and chaos, finals came and went - as did graduation!
I had every intention of moving to Oregon, it was just a matter of when. I had a place to stay, thanks to the kindness of my cousin and her family, lots of other family members and friends in the area, and I felt really good about it. It felt right. And it had been an excruciatingly long time since I had had that much clarity about what I should do, so I was stoked. I even started looking into schools there to eventually pursue a Master's degree.
Well, in the midst of all of this, I decided to check my au pair profile, mostly with the intention of deleting it. Once I got there though, I decided it couldn't hurt to just see if there were any opportunities now that I didn't have school tying me down. I spruced up my profile hoping to impress some family. Much to my surprise, soon I did have people showing interest, especially after I browsed through some families and voiced an interest myself, to those who seemed like a good fit in various countries (you click a button that says "interested" and wait and see if they respond the same way or if they "decline"). Several families in Australia were inquisitive, and one in particular very much peaked my interest and seemed perfect, but after reviewing Australia's visa restrictions etc... I had reservations.
Around this time, a family in Switzerland showed interest and after reviewing their profile, I eagerly responded in the affirmative. Soon after that the mother, Tamara, messaged me. We corresponded through the website's messaging system for about five days, and regardless of having never met this woman previously, I felt an immediate connection with her, as you would with an old friend. You could tell she was just a bright, happy, giving person.
Everything seemed to be falling perfectly into place, but I didn't want to get my hopes up too high too soon. 
We decided to exchange email addresses, and traded more messages and photos. Ah! Be still my heart - cutest children, EVER. 
 Baby girl <3
On the carousel w/ her brother. Girl after my own heart :)
We set up a time for a Skype chat where I spoke with Tamara and her husband Peter, and I was able to "meet" their daughter. I just kept falling more and more in love with the whole family. 
Silly girl with her momma, Tamara
Peter & all the kids
During the interview we all confessed we were each other's favorite "candidate" and that we were both ready to proceed with official paperwork. 
The extent of my excitement and joy was (and still is) overwhelming. Like how little kids get overly excited and so full of emotion that they don't know what to do with themselves so they just burst into tears haha. I can't believe this is really happening!  
I couldn't help but post the following epiphany to my Facebook timeline a few days later:
"Recently, Heavenly Father has brought some wonderful opportunities into my life; opportunities that have made me the happiest I can ever remember being. And I have realized, that He was waiting for me to be THIS person; who I am NOW. With this knowledge, this education, these life experiences, and THIS desire in my heart..."

*Side Note: Currently we are working on finishing up all the paperwork and getting a visa! Guess where there just happens to be a Consulate of Switzerland for me to pick up my visa... Salt Lake City, UT :) 

God really is in the details of our lives. Yes, moving to Oregon would have been good; actually it would have been great, but remember that General Conference talk "Good, Better, Best" by Elder Dallin H. Oaks? Being an au pair in Switzerland for this family, is the BEST decision for me at this point in my life. This is EXACTLY what I'm supposed to be doing, and where I'm supposed to go, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be able to continue to get to know these beautiful people welcoming me into their home, and into their lives.

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