Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 13 - Bienvenido a Tenerife!

Monday (11/3/14)
Cleaning. Packing. Blogging. Tamara's mom came and helped tag-team between watching Svenja and cleaning. She also brought treats :) cause she's the best.

Tuesday (11/4/14)
Our flight wasn't until the afternoon, so we had plenty of time in the morning to take care of all the last-minute preparations and we STILL left rather early JUST in case we ran into traffic. I was a little apprehensive about how Svenja would be on the plane... My stereotypical thinking beforehand was that the only good thing about flying with a toddler was that you get priority boarding. Not gonna lie, it WASN'T the worst flight I've ever had. She was a little fussy at times, but it could have been WAY worse. At one point Tamara had asked me to walk with her in the aisle. I felt really awkward walking up and down the single isle of this tiny plane, trying not to touch or disturb any of the other passengers. But it was either that, or a potential screaming, crying baby. Thankfully none of the people seemed to mind. 
When we landed we grabbed some food and water at an airport cafe (you can't drink tap water in Tenerife, unless you boil it) and then got a taxi to the house.
Algäu Airport - Memmingen, Germany
Isla de Tenerife, Canarias, España
Serious flashbacks of living in Hawaii

Wednesday (11/5/14)
Today Tamara, Svenja, and I went out and walked around for the majority of the day. Tamara showed me around so I was able to get a pretty good lay of the land. 
View from my balcony.
People have amazing talents.
Sand baby! :) 
The clouds may look ominous, but the cloud-cover is a
welcome shield against the hot sun.

Thursday (11/6/14)
Peter arrived today! He left a couple days before us in the van and drove all the way to mainland Spain to hop on a ferry to Tenerife so we could have a car with us here. Also, we were able to pack a lot of stuff to bring over IN the car. Major bonus :P 
We all went to dinner later, and afterwards baby girl found some toys... 
Too cute!

Friday (11/7/14)
This morning we went to breakfast to try an authentic English Breakfast at Hemingway Cafe-Bar. 
Hemingway Cafe-Bar
English Breakfast: toast, egg, beans, tomato, sausage, "bacon"
I was not a fan of the sausage. It was like... bready. And I'm picky about tomato's so I didn't touch the canned one provided. Everything else was good though :) Also. Bacon. Bacon here is just like a slab of ham. It's not thin, or crispy. And I keep forgetting. I miss real bacon... 
Mountain view
Confession. I totally had a meltdown today. Tamara and I had a small misunderstanding later in the afternoon, and Svenja had been fussing and crying with me ALL morning, and I was pretty sure I'd already made Peter annoyed or upset earlier, so when Tamara got upset, it was like the last thing I could handle and though I tried with all my might, I couldn't fight back the tears. So I went into the bathroom and turned the sink faucet on and just let it out whilst trying to get back my composure, but when I came out Tamara was there and asked if I was ok and that she'd heard me, and then I started bawling again. *facepalm* I HATE crying in front of people, and crying in front of your BOSS is like the epitome of embarrassment. So we sat down and talked (everything's fine), then I took a break and went and showered, STILL crying (what the heck man?! Turn it off!) and then I fell asleep for awhile before getting back to work. 
I think we are all a little jet-lagged and Peter and Tamara have a lot of stuff going on with the houses so they are stressed, and I'm worried about my dad and missing Switzerland, and we're all trying to figure out the new routine etc... We're all a bit on edge. 

Sunday (11/9/14)
Today I went to church, of course! The barrio (ward) meets in Los Cristianos, right by the big guagua station. It's about a 15-20 minute drive. I ended up taking TWO taxis because the first one dropped me off NOT in the right place. The second taxi driver was really nice. After learning I was going to church he started talking with me about God and how he didn't believe in God. So I totally pulled a Count of Monte Cristo spin on him and said it was ok, cause God sees him... to which he said he was fine, he has a job and works, but God should see the poor children that need help etc... I felt so sad that he obviously had no clue how to see or know that of course God sees them, and is aware of them. Of all of us. Anyhow. I finally managed to get to the right street. I thought the building in Switzerland was humble. This place looks like some kind of rundown classroom building. Doesn't matter though. The Spirit can be present, no matter the circumstances :) Everyone was really friendly and welcoming, but I couldn't help but miss the Kreuzlingen ward. There really is something so very special about that ward. Anyway, they also seemed pretty surprised that I could speak Spanish, and fairly well haha. There's 2 missionary pairs; some Elders AND some Sisters! I didn't catch one Elder's name, but he's from Peru. Then there's Elder Saltzman (Utah), Sister Thunborg (Utah), and Sister Rojas (Colombia). After church I went back to the area where we're staying and walked around until late in the evening.  
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
Some African ladies accosted me, then took
a RIDICULOUS amount of money for this
stupid braid that I did NOT want. Ugh. 

Free food. Waiters love me. Long story short, waiter hit
 on me as I was walking past, gave me free food, then his
phone number hahaha. No, I didn't call him.
No, I'm not going to call him.

I went to Restaurant Martini for dinner. I felt SO awkward being in there alone. Just throw a glowing neon sign over my table-for-one in the corner of the balcony haha. Whatever, I know how to treat myself! :) It was probably one of the fanciest meals I've ever had, and it was SO cheap. OMAHGOSH. SOOOOOO cheap. 
~ Halibut, veggies, and Canarian potatoes with 2 sauces (not shown) ~
They brought the fish out covered in sea-salt lit on fire, then
the waiter cracked open the salt and prepped the fish in front of me.
Sad version of a chocolate lava cake, with ice cream
They gave me a glass of champagne on the house after I paid,
then when I told them I didn't drink alcohol, the manager
had the bar tender whip up a non-alcoholic beverage.
I'm pretty sure it was just watered down grenadine,
but 'twas pretty! :) 

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