Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 2

Ok. Once again, apologies for the lengthy absence. Let me play catch-up today (my day off so you better freaking read this! lol) and I will put forth a greater effort to be more consistent with my updates.

Monday (8/18/14)
The most exciting thing about today was going on a walk with Tamara and Svenja to a real Swiss cheese shop right here in our village. 
*FYI American "Swiss Cheese" is NOT Swiss... it's probably not even real cheese either... bleh. 
Yum #stinkycheese
haha! Not a stereotype.
Pasta. Don't mess around.

And yes, I did try a taste of like 3 of the 5 cheeses Tamara bought. 

Thursday (8/21/14)
Today I walked down to the lake (the section we live by is called the "Untersee") and read for awhile and of course took some pictures.

Friday (8/22/14)
Finally got to meet the boys today! Quentin and Finn. They're adorable, super sweet, and typical boys haha. Aaaand they don't speak English. So that's fun. haha. 

Saturday (8/23/14)
Well I decided to crash a seminary devotional/dance today, and it totally did not go as planned... I thought that MAYBE there might be other single adults there to chaperone or something, or listen to the devotional... not so my friends, not so. So I helped prepare some of the food and left, feeling absolutely downtrodden at having wasted my day preparing for this. So I decided to brave the trains and see if I could figure out how to get to Konstanz instead, so I could say I did SOMETHING. It really wasn't as bad/hard as I thought. I hopped back on the train heading home, but got off in Kreuzlingen then followed the crowd, then the signs, right up to the border! Easy-peasy! I didn't go far, because I was afraid if I wandered, I wouldn't be able to find my way back, so I went over and sat and read for awhile and watched some locals play street soccer, then I left. It seems small, but it felt like a huge accomplishment! :) 

Crossing the border!
Hotel Constantia
View from where I was sitting to read
Back on the Swiss side... Not a stereotype.
Sunday (8/24/14)
This Sunday was harder than the first. I was really tired, and I didn't have anyone translating for me, until Larissa came and helped me toward the end of Sacrament meeting (her and her husband are so sweet). I was excited to get home though, because I'd met a friend who said they would show me around Konstanz if I wanted. So back to Konstanz we went! It was fun to wander around the old city and explore, without fear of getting lost... or at least if I did, it was with someone else around haha. 

The church building I go to
Konstanz, Germany
I assumed this was the layout of the old city in Konstanz
We found a Lebanese? food place to eat at here - you can't see it, it's directly to my left.
It was exactly like Greek food (sliced lamb meat w/ tzatziki sauce and salad)

Back in Switzerland, before dropping me off, we stopped at the lake and watched the sunset.

There is SO much beauty here. 

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