Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week 19

Monday (12/15/14)
My hair looked AMAZING today and I felt like getting "dolled-up," which led to the capture of some sweet self-portraits:
"I feel pretty, oh so pretty!" Also, I sang karaoke at the Wali Haii tonight. It wasn't a complete disaster. 

Tuesday (12/16/14)
Pretty sure Titch is going to make me sing every time I come in to the Wali Haii now. Had a rough start tonight, but then he gave me "Lipstick On Your Collar" by Connie Francis. That's mah jam, and I KILLED it. I met a LOVELY Scottish family from Edinburgh at the end of the night. Everyone I've met from the UK says the Scottish are really hard to understand, but I had no problems understanding them (which is more than I can say for some of the other areas I've come across). I also met the parents of one of Titch's acquaintances (she's around my age, hallelujah!). They were SO drunk haha. It was so weird trying to have a conversation with two grown, intoxicated adults haha. They were extremely friendly though and they even gave me their phone number and told me if I ever wanted a job in Australia, they have a son working there who could either give me one, or probably knew someone else who could. Yay networking!

Thursday (12/18/14)
Back to Switzerland!!!!!!!!!! :D

Friday (12/19/14)
Tamara gave me a free day today because she didn't need help with Svenja and everything is already clean in the house, so I slept in. YAY! And then, when I finally crawled out of bed, I unpacked and decided to go see the new Hobbit movie, "Der Hobbit: Die Schlacht der Fünf Heere" at the kino (cinema/movie theatre) in Konstanz. 
All bundled up!
Yes, it was in German. No, I didn't understand 99.9% of what was going on. I ran into Benjamin while I was there (he works there) and we talked for awhile since I was about an hour early for the movie. He didn't know I was back from Tenerife yet so he was surprised to see me. He asked me what my plans were for Saturday, and after I admitted that I didn't have any, suggested we hang out and do breakfast. Um, BRILLIANT. After I got out of the movie, which I found slightly disappointing (had nothing to do with the language barrier), Beni wrote down the train schedule for me and said he'd meet me at the train stop by his apartment in the morning. I then went out and wandered around and I found the Weihnachtmarkt (Christmas Market) Tamara had mentioned. It was HUGE and so much fun to wander and see all the fun little shops that were set up, and smell the delicious aromas of food. I bought the CUTEST hat, and eventually I caved and bought some baklava which turned out to be the WORST BAKLAVA EVER. It wasn't crispy OR flaky. It was SOGGY and NASTY. So disappointing. I couldn't even eat the whole piece, I just threw it away.  
I love bows!

Saturday (12/20/14)
I did not sleep. So. Tired. I was chatting with my friend Garrett all hours and blogging, and then I was afraid I wouldn't wake up for breakfast with Beni if I went to bed. I'm a genius. Anyhow, he did indeed meet me at the appointed train stop and we walked to his apartment where we prepared a scrumptious breakfast together. 
A twist on French toast, tomatoes, apple cider, banana milk. YUM!
Afterwards we went on another walk to a park close to his place and goofed off in the FREEZING cold wind then walked back and watched a movie before he had to go to work. I went with him and he gave me a free ticket so I could go watch the new Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay (yeah, in German). But I slept through the majority of it. Oops! :P So tired! Before the movie I had like three hours to kill haha. I was so tired though, I didn't do much. Wandered a bit, grabbed some food from a sausage stand outside the Lago (big shopping center in Konstanz) then went and sat inside the Lago after eating and waited.
White curry-sausage and bread. So friggin' delicious.
It's the simple things.  
Baby Christmas trees! 

Sunday (12/21/14)
SO HAPPY TO BE BACK AT THE KREUZLINGEN WARD! And all the Elders are still there! After church when we were all sitting and talking, Arlette (one of the Müller/Riesen clan - they make up just about the entire ward haha) asked me what my plans were for Christmas and invited me to join her and her family and all the missionaries! OH MY GOSH I'M SO EXCITED! Gonna be such a great Christmas! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I am so glad I realized you have a blog so I can get caught up with your life! Love you and like your folks, am proud of you!
