Friday, August 1, 2014

Crunch Time

First of all, a big ol' shout out and happy birthday to mah little bro! - he's not really younger than me, he's just the youngest brother. He turned 32 today! SO OLD! ;) haha 

Now, back to me ;)

12 freaking days guys! TWELVE. 

Hooooooly crappola! I am freaking out! - but only on the inside, shhh! don't tell! :P 

It has been a pretty stressful week. My work papers arrived (yipee!) so I spent the majority of my day on Monday trying to figure out exactly what paper work I had to gather and send over to the consulate, which turns out the one in SLC doesn't do anything with visas so I had to send everything to San Francisco. I finally figured it out and my mom helped me gather and overnight everything. Mah lovely visa should get here next week sometime! I won't be at ease until I have it in my hands - knowing when my flight is and not having the visa with me yet is NERVE-WRACKING to the MAX! hahaha. I am staying positive though; everything will work out :) If you want to say a prayer for me, or throw out some good vibes directed my way, that would be AWESOME! 

It was also my last week teaching at the dance studio :( *tears* I am going to miss my cutie-pie students SO much! They have worked so hard! I can't believe how much improvement they have shown in such a short amount of time! 

I am SO excited for the time to finally be here, but I'm having a hard time looking forward to it with piles and piles of things I still have to do. It's time to prioritize! :P This weekend and next are gonna be a doozy! haha 

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