Sunday, August 17, 2014

My First Week

Ok. Sorry for the delayed update! I’ve been dying haha. Not literally, but jet-lag is brutal man! The struggle is real! Anyhow, here’s updates for the last few days.

Wednesday (8/13/14)
I made it! :D

This is the face of a girl who is SO happy to be done flying! (for the time being)

I flew from Salt Lake City, to Dallas-Fort Worth, then JFK in New York and FINALLY to Zürich. It was absolutely perfect. I had no problems at all, even though apparently I almost missed the connection to JFK, but until I got to the terminal and they told me they were getting ready to close the doors, I was unaware haha oops! And in New York, my flight was ALMOST delayed for 2 hours, but only ended up being about 20 minutes thank goodness.

I kept falling asleep on each flight, then waking up thinking hours had gone by… but they hadn’t. I swear time slows down in the air. It’s crazy. Thankfully, during my longest flight, no one was seated next to me, and you bet your little tushy I sprawled out like an animal.

When I finally arrived I loaded my ginormous suitcases (by myself) onto a trolley – I was a little surprised no one stopped or offered to help my little 5-foot self hefting these 60+ lbs suitcases that are like almost ¾ my size… but you know, whatever. I don’t need a man! …moving on – so yes, suitcases, trolley, and then I found the family waiting for me in the greeting area. Hallelujah! I was so nervous I wouldn’t find them and I’d have no way to get in contact with them (airport wifi is THE WORST fyi). They had just gotten there like 3 minutes before I walked out; guess that 20-minute delay in NY was worth it! ;)                                                           
Ah, it was SO great to finally have these people right in front of me, in the flesh. They were extremely warm and welcoming. We ran a few errands, then headed home where they gave me a tour of the house (which is gorgeous, albeit completely different than a typical American home) and let me unpack. Um, I’m in love with my room and bathroom. It’s a lot bigger than I was expecting, which was a lovely surprise, and it’s so… stylish! I will post pictures of them, and the rest of the house, later. For now, here is a picture of the view from the house:
I live in a postcard. SO beautiful here.
(Taken Sunday 8/17/14 - finally a sunny day! It's been rainy all week.)

I unpacked and my very first meal in Europe… pizza! haha :)

I was out at like 7:30pm. Yay jet-lag!

Thursday (8/14/14)
Awake at 5:30am. UGH.

Today some of Tamara and Peter’s friends stopped by to visit on their way home. It was a little awkward for me at first, but eventually, it wasn’t so much and I tried to follow along their German, but they kept switching back and forth between German and English for me.

Later Tamara took me and Svenja to her sister’s house to visit her sister (obviously), nephew, dad, and step-mom. Her sister was SO nice and offered me all sorts of beverages and refreshments. She had these delicious fruit cakes that we all ate and I tried to follow along all the German conversation (their parents don’t speak English). Tamara and her sister kept translating for me every so often, which was very sweet. They were all very kind and it was actually a lot of fun, even with the language barrier.

P.S. “Cake” is not cake like in America. It’s not as sweet (which I’m fine with) and it was like… pie meets custard meets fruit. With a cheese-cakey texture… sort of. haha. It’s difficult to explain, but it was DELICIOUS. I had a piece of a cherry one and then the sister was having her 3rd piece and offered me another one for the third time and I couldn’t keep saying no haha so I tried some of the plum one.
Tamara "made" this on Sunday. A little different, but you get the idea

Friday (8/15/14)
Oh Friday.
Friday was rough. Like “what the freak am I doing here, God?” rough.

It wasn’t that anything bad happened… I think it was more of just reality setting in. I’m not in MY country. I’m all alone. I have no friends or family here. And I won’t see my friends of family for 1 year. 1 YEAR! That’s a dang long time! I’m also still very tired, and I cannot express to you the frustration of seeing a person, a normal human being, smiling at you, and you at them, and then they speak, and it is complete GIBBERISH to your ears. AGH! I SO badly WANT to communicate and understand. I keep reverting to Spanish in my head, and then it’s like, just kidding, that doesn’t work either! *grumble grumble* I hate to admit it… and when I say hate, I mean loathe… but this experience is definitely going to be much more challenging mentally and emotionally than I thought.

On a positive note, I put together this awesome desk chair Tamara bought for me, all by myself! With a little help from Peter at the end cause the little knob things at the bottom of the chair legs did NOT want to go in. He even struggled a bit with them. I feel so accomplished haha!

I've got mad skills

I also went on a walk by myself in the evening to explore the area I’m living in a little bit. I couldn’t find anything of interest – it was pretty dead. And I was afraid if it got too dark, I would get lost so I was only gone 20 minutes or so.  

Saturday (8/16/14)
Today has been a lot better. Tamara and Peter dropped me off in Frauenfeld so I could explore a little while they went to the gym (they took Svenja with them). It was such a surreal feeling knowing that I was wondering the streets of this little town in Europe, alone. I couldn’t help but think about my Dad’s utter terror at the idea of his “little girl” exploring the big-bad-world by her lonesome haha. It was fairly uneventful though (don’t worry Dad!). I walked and watched for about an hour and a half, looking at the little storefronts and bistros. I even found a tiny little famers market (no idea what it’s called here) and if I’d had some smaller bills or change, I would have bought something. AH! There was a bratwurst vendor in front of a grocery store where I sat for a bit… SMELLED SO GOOD. I was afraid they wouldn’t have any change for my massive bill, but it looked so good.

I walked back to the bus station and sat where Tamara and Peter dropped me off to wait for them to return. While I was waiting, this guy came up to me with some sort of petition asking me to sign it… All I know, is that it had to do with handicapped people. I kept trying to tell him I didn’t speak German, but he was one persistent bugger. Then I thought he was telling me he was deaf cause the motion he was doing, means “deaf” in ASL… but then I was like, that doesn’t make sense cause obviously he can hear me! haha. Ugh. I could have signed something that says we should throw handicapped people into the sewer and make them live underground, and I wouldn’t know it. It gets better though hahahaha I think he was telling me I was very sexy… AND THEN, he just straight up asked me for sex. BAHAHA. He kept saying sex, but, you know, language barrier and all, I thought I was misunderstanding or something, and I looked confused so he said, “Sex, you know? Um… you, me, sex?” and then my brain was like OH! hahaha and I laughed and shook my head no. He took the rejection a lot better than most American boys. Ah, Europe! :) 

1 comment:

  1. If I ever meet you over there, you can point out the petition guy to me and I will give him something he will never forget, ha, ha. I am very relieved that you are adjusting. Tell me about the child, the picture is as good as a thousand words but how do you feel, what were your and his reactions to the first meeting? A year will pass before you know it but we do miss your cheeky personality or at least I do. I haven't had a argument since you left, ha, ha. God bless you honey, be safe.
