Monday, June 16, 2014

A Brief Overview

Ok, so I thought it was probably a good idea to do a little research about where I'll be living, before I get there haha. Here is just a brief (oh so brief) summary:

  1. Switzerland a.k.a the Swiss Confederation
    "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno" 
    ~ One for all, all for one ~

    Government: Federal Republic, Directorial system 
    Official Languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh
    Currency: Swiss franc
    Predominant Religion: Christianity
    Time Zone: Central European 
    "The establishment of the Swiss Confederation is traditionally dated to 1 August 1291, which is celebrated annually as Swiss National Day. It has a long history of armed neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815—and did not join the United Nations until 2002. It pursues, however, an active foreign policy and is frequently involved in peace-building processes around the world. Switzerland is also the birthplace of the Red Cross and home to a large number of international organizations, including the second largest UN office. On the European level, it is a founding member of the European Free Trade Association and is part of the Schengen Area – although it is notably not a member of the European Union, nor the European Economic Area. Switzerland comprises four main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, Italian and the Romansh-speaking valleys. Therefore the Swiss, although predominantly German-speaking, do not form a nation in the sense of a common ethnic or linguistic identity; rather, the strong sense of identity and community is founded on a common historical background, shared values such as federalism and direct democracyand Alpine symbolism." (

    I will be living near Lake Constance, known in German as the Untersee ("Lower Lake").

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  2. Total Church Membership: 8,741
    Congregations: 36
    Temples: 1 ---> Bern Switzerland Temple 
    Family History Centers: 14

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