Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 10

Monday (10/13/14)
Two months gone. so. fast.

Friday (10/17/14)
On Thursday Tamara's best friend Laura and her son came over in the afternoon and Laura mentioned possibly going ice skating all together on Friday (today). So we did! I've been ice skating many times, but on my bucket list I have that I want to try figure skating. Well today, I unexpectedly got the opportunity to cross that sucker off! There's an old coach that hangs around the rink and goes up and teaches anyone and everyone, regardless of whether they wanted any help or not. I LOVED IT! It was so cool to actually learn some proper technique and exercises to do, especially from a professional. You could tell he was just absolutely in love with his art. When we were leaving I thanked him and asked him his name. "Samuel." He wouldn't give me his last name, he said it wasn't important. 
Bodensee Arena
HAHAHA! Perfect timing!
Me, Laura, Svenja
Just another day in paradise.
Later for dinner, Peter's brother and his daughter came over for Swiss fondue! They made one pot with a little wine, and one without. It honestly threw me completely off when they asked if I would prefer it without, because I know if you cook a steak with wine or something, the alcohol cooks off. But in a pot of melted cheese? I had no clue. And I wasn't sure how the rule applied in this case so, I just went without to be safe... I kind of felt like an idiot though. Regardless, not gonna lie it was not very delicious. For movie snacks later, I made guacamole (avocado, tomato, garlic, onion, lemon juice, fresh lime, salt and pepper - combine all to taste). YUM. 
Swiss Fondue 

Saturday (10/18/14)
I went to a wedding reception today at the church. Mostly because Corinne said her friend had given her an old phone for me to use and she could bring it for me if I was going. But also, I had nothing else planned so, why not? My mom is gonna kill me... I went in jeans. IN MY DEFENSE, I got dressed up for that seminary fireside thing forever ago and I was the ONLY one in nice Sunday dress. I didn't want that to happen again and it was just a little reception so I didn't think it was a big deal. Wasn't a reception people. It was a WEDDING AND a reception. *facepalm* just let me die. I was mortified. I sat in the back row of the chapel and tried to make myself invisible. Thankfully I wasn't the only chick in pants, including Tania (the RS President). And what lesson have we learned? I'd rather be nicely overdressed than feel tackily underdressed. Sorry Mom. 

Elder Roberts and Elder Sanft showed up in the middle of the ceremony (where there's food, there's missionaries haha). As per usual I hung around them during the reception and later Daisy joined us. During the course of our conversations Daisy all of a sudden and completely nonchalantly says "¿Rebecca, quieres venir a Peru conmigo a visitar mi familia?" ...uh, say what!? She asked me again. Do you want to come with me to Peru to visit my family? ...wait, for serious? When? (Next year.) Um, YES! The answer is definitely YES. I was so caught off guard! She was so casual about it, like "Rebecca, do you want a cookie?" "Rebecca, wanna come to Peru with me?" SO EXCITED! Hopefully it will all work out between her plans, Peter and Tamara's arrangements, and my plans (cause I have SO many plans... haha)

Sunday (10/19/14)
Today in church Oliver - Sandra's husband - was one of the speakers and he also provided a musical number on an Alphorn (with organ accompaniment). Um, HOW COOL IS THAT!? Gonna go ahead and check that off mah list. 


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