Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 4

Saturday (9/6/14)
Tamara and I were planning on going to Konstanz today so SHE could show me around a little more, but the weather was awful - all foggy and dreary - so we decided to wait for a sunnier day. I was a bit disappointed, until I remembered that Tania, the RS president had told me to shoot her an email anytime I wanted to come hang out and she would welcome me if she was available. I sent a quick email off, and within minutes received a response of "Come On over, come on over baby :)" haha. I looked up the train schedule really quick and let her know when I'd be at the "bahnhof" (train station/bus stop). She and her family live in Amriswil, which is about an hour away from me. When I got to the station, her husband, Aiden, and adorable daughter picked me up.

** Side note: Tania told me later, when I got to the house her daughter went to find Tania while I was talking with Aiden, and told her she had to come quick and that "Rebecca's so beautiful!" Well just melt my heart! Little girl, you are my favorite!

For lunch? INDIAN FOOD! ohmahgosh. Homemade Indian food. So freaking good! And a welcome break from the daily meat/cheese/bread meals. I had a GREAT time talking with both Tania and her husband. They are so kind and soft-spoken; I loved watching them interact with their kids. Good people. So blessed to be able to get to know them better! After lunch we all went and met the missionaries (Elder Strauss and Elder Annen) for a visit with an investigator (her name is Nina, I believe she's Indian and she's also blind; VERY friendly, lovely woman). Tania translated a bit for me but even without it, it's amazing how strongly you can feel the Spirit, even when you don't understand the words being said. It was a quick visit, and then, after dropping off her husband at the train station so he could go to work, Tania, with her daughter and son, and I, headed over to a rehearsal for her daughter's ballet recital later that night! SO cute. Her daughter is six and her class did a "Hello Kitty" themed dance. Ah! I died. :) After the rehearsal, Tania dropped me off at the train station and I headed home.

P.S. Aiden is an AMAZING photographer. Check out his website here. You should DEFINITELY take a glimpse at the time lapse footage he put together under the "Projects" tab as well. (Or just click the link that I so kindly made for you). 

Sunday (9/7/14)
Today at church I officially met Hector. I'd seen him around and people had told me about him (pretty much anytime I say I speak Spanish), but I'd never actually talked to him prior. He is from Ecuador and ONLY speaks Spanish. He was SO excited to find out about my existence hahaha. I can't imagine living somewhere and not being able to understand ANYONE. I mean, not being able to understand a good chunk is one thing, but I'm blessed since most people here speak English (or Spanish if I'm lucky). Anyhow, he's a brave soul. We chatted for a bit, but he was so excited that he was talking really fast and I could not keep up haha. I'm SO rusty! But I'm grateful for the opportunity to practice it again. 

After church I went to a musical fireside that all the missionaries put together, in Winterthur (pronounced VIN-TER-TUR). It wasn't until the evening, but I went early because Elder Strauss and Elder Annen had to go early for a rehearsal, and that meant that I didn't have to figure out the trains alone haha (so lazy!). Psh, they offered. Plus, it's not like I had anything going on at home, so why not? I love spending time with the missionaries. So yes, it was a lot of fun chatting with them and once we got to Winterthur for the "rehearsal" I got to meet a lot of other missionaries and I also met an American girl from... Utah! Katie and her husband Chris (he's Swiss). Katie served a mission in Germany and Chris was in the same mission. After the mission, Katie was an au pair in Switzerland for a year and eventually her and Chris got married. Obviously. haha. They are both really nice and she was so sweet about making sure I'm doing OK and that if I need anything to let them know.  

Eventually it was time for the fireside. A lot of the missionaries who weren't in the actual program were kicked out into a separate room because there were SO MANY PEOPLE! Hurray! The missionaries put this especially together so members could invite non-members. It was wonderful to see their efforts so greatly rewarded! Anyhow, that means that Elder Strauss wasn't around to translate for me, but the lady next to me found out I was American and she spoke English so she was delighted to talk with me and she would lean over and translate every so often. Katie was also sitting on my other side, and offered to translate, but really, sometimes it's nice to just sit and listen, and I feel bad making people do so many things for me all the time. Right before it started a Sister missionary serving a couples mission turned around realizing I spoke English, and introduced herself. "I'm Sister Buchanan. Where are you from?" "Utah" "Yes, what part?" "Orem" "I'm from West Jordan." OH MY GOSH! NO WAY! :D It REALLY is such a small world people. ESPECIALLY within the church. It's so great! She told me we would chat afterwards. The program was entitled "Das Licht Der Welt" or "The Light of the World." Did I understand everything? Definitely not. But the Spirit was beautiful and you don't need to understand all the words, to receive the message. I was so glad that I was able to go. The missionaries did such a good job! Lots of talent here people :)

I exchanged contact info with Gerda (the Austrian lady who translated a bit for me), Sister Buchanan, and Katie after the fireside. Sister Buchanan and I were able to chat for a nice little while. She and her husband are serving over in Germany (they're going home soon) and she told me it would be great if we could meet over there sometime and walk around. I'm down! :)

Lots of mingling ensued and then I headed back, with the Elders, once again. I actually missed my stop because we were talking so intently on the train haha. It was all good though. After a slight detour I made it home. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what BEAUTIFUL photography! Those landscapes are breath-taking .. and the night sky! I miss seeing stars. (Living in a basement in the middle of a very large city means I don't see the sky a lot, especially without all the light pollution.) Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

    And it sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I'm so glad you aren't afraid to talk to people. It makes me wish I could have done Russia all over again - I was only 19 and terrified! I love it all, but I could have experienced so much more if I had a little bit more confidence.
