Saturday, October 4, 2014

Week 5

Monday (9/8/14)
I thought today was going to be a hard day or a sad day for me... but it wasn't. It turned out to be really wonderful. The sun was shining and the family and I spent some time together enjoying said sunshine by the pool. And there was a gorgeous sunset.

Tuesday (9/9/14)
Crazy weather today. Fog, rain, hail, sunshine, thunder and lightning... Schweiz is giving Utah a run for it's bipolarity! I don't think I've ever experienced such drastic weather changes all in one day!

Wednesday (9/10/14)
This afternoon I went on a bike ride with Peter, Tamara, and Svenja! I haven't ridden a bike in years - it was SO much fun. We rode to Mammern (5.2 km or about 3 miles) and stopped at the Gasthof Adler ("Gasthof" means restaurant) for something to drink and a treat. "Apfel Shorley" is Tamara's typical choice, and I really like it as well. It's just apple juice with carbonation haha; like Martinelli's, but not as sweet. I actually like it better than Martinelli's. Tamara and I also had some desserts. I'm so bummed that I didn't take my camera. Lesson? ALWAYS TAKE A CAMERA. 

It was such a beautiful day! Best. bike ride. of my LIFE!

Thursday (9/11/14)
Please stop a moment. 

Hold those you love close, tell the people you care about that you love them. How precious is this life which hinges upon moments that change instantly, our entire world. Remember to "be excellent to each other" ... "for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

On a more cheerful note...
MY UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA FINALLY CAME! It's official, I conquered college with a sweet CGPA of 3.62 which means I also graduated CUM LAUDE baby! Woo hoo! And yes, I'm tooting my own horn, because I deserve to after working my butt off all these years! :) I demanded that my parents email me a picture, since I won't get a chance to actually see or hold the real thing for quite some time. So proud of myself for sticking it out!

Friday (9/12/14)
Today I had to go to Frauenfeld to the migration office and do stuff (photo, fingerprints, signature) to get my work permit/ID card. I made it to the right bus stop, but then I got SO lost trying to figure out where the actual building was. I finally stopped at a corner stop light after wandering for probably 20 minutes, and I'm standing in the rain with my iPad out trying to read this map (like that is gonna do anything - we ALL know how good I am with directions and map-reading), when out of NOWHERE this man crosses the street and walks right up to me. He starts talking to me in German - I'm thinking he's asking ME for directions - so I say "nein spreche Deutsch" (totally the wrong way to say it, but people get the message AND they believe me haha) so then he's asking me what I do speak so I tell him English and he breaks out in English and asks me what I'm looking for! Relieved, I pull out my letter from the migration office and show him the address I'm searching for and after telling me I'm going the wrong direction, offers to take me all the way there, saying he's headed that direction to get home anyway. HALLELUJAH! Ok, now people, don't get me wrong. I'm not an idiot. This could have been a bad situation. Not gonna lie, I thought a couple times when we were walking (with my iPad out in full glory) "please don't rob me. please don't rape me. please don't murder me." None of the above happened. Obviously. We walked and talked under his umbrella and he took me right up to the door of the migration office building (which was in the opposite direction that I had been going), and wished me a pleasant day. I couldn't help but think of the 3 Nephites who are roaming the Earth still...  What better disguise, than this "rough around the edges" but good-hearted man?  I'll never see him again; I don't even know his name. But what an amazing example of being excellent to his fellow man. God cares, and his "helpers" come in all kinds of forms. 

Saturday (9/13/14)

How did I celebrate? By working on updates for YOU people! All day. ON my day off. You guys better read these.

Sunday (9/14/14)
Played the Swiss (or German?) version of the game "Sorry!" tonight with Peter and the boys. They SLAUGHTERED me. Good times. :)

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